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Jamie Starke

I develop for my career, but I also develop for fun, and whenever I think it can solve a problem I'm having. This has lead me to create side projects, such as Rental Map and BusTimes, among others.

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We covered a number of examples using scope. I have decided to post these examples so that they will hopefully help you all better understand scope.

Scope Example 1: Variables passed through function definitions

def foo(n):
    print n, 'in foo'
    n = 456
    print n, 'in foo'

x = 123
print x, 'in main'
print x, 'in main'

In the example above, when we call foo(x), we pass the function foo(n) a copy of the value of variable x from the main scope. This is now treated as a new variable n within foo(n), so when we change its value, it does not modify the value of x

Scope Example 2: Internal variable has same name as external variable

def foo(n):
    x = 'qwerty'
    print x, 'in foo'
    print n, 'in foo'
    n = 456
    print n, 'in foo'

x = 123
print x, 'in main'
print x, 'in main'

If you look at the example above, you might expect the last print x to display qwerty. This is not the case, as the x variable inside foo and outside foo have different scopes, and are treated independently.

Scope Example 3: Accessing a variable from parent scope

def foo():
    print x, 'in foo'

x = 123
print x, 'in main'
print x, 'in main'

In this example, the function foo(), when we try to access the variable x, the program recognizes that we never set x from within the scope of foo(), so it will look for x in the parent scope, find that variable x and print its value.

Scope Example 4: Setting a variable from the parent scope

def foo():
    # compile error here, b/c x is seen as a local now
    print x, 'in foo'
    x = 456
    print x, 'in foo'

x = 123
print x, 'in main'
print x, 'in main'

In the above example, we will get the error

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment

The reason for this is because we are setting the value of the variable x inside foo() the program will try to resolve the value of the variable x within the scope of foo(). As it hasn’t been set yet, the program is unable to do this.

Scope Example 5: Accessing variables in the global scope

def foo():
    global x
    print x, 'in foo'
    x = 456
    print x, 'in foo'

x = 123
print x, 'in main'
print x, 'in main'

In the above example, the foo() states explicitly that when we refer to the variable x, we mean the variable x from the global scope. So when we first print x in foo() we have the value of 123 from the parent scope. When we set x in foo(), we update the value in the parent scope, so that when we print x at the end, it’s now 456 there as well.

Scope Example 6: Accessing the global scope, continued

def foo():
    global x
    x = 123

print x

The above example is very similar to Example 5, but we set the variable x from the foo() function before accessing in the global scope.